Monday, February 28, 2011

Step 1

So I am considering doing some type of Weight Loss Surgery (WLS). The 2 types I am considering is either Lap Band or the traditional Gastric Bypass. I have done some reading on both types and I am still not sure which one is the best option. Thankfully I don't have to decide on my own. WLS is only done when people have met specific criteria and are willing to follow a new lifestyle of eating and exercise. Or at least this is what they tell me online. There are seminars you are required to attend before a surgeon will even do a consultation with you to determine which WLS is right for you. So the first step actually has a few parts involved.

* How to pay for WLS. We thankfully when Tim's company was bought out last year the new company they merged with has kick ass medical coverage and it was affordable for our family. So now after many years of not having health insurance I finally do. Also thankfully the new health Insurance plan we are on does have benefits that include WLS. I am sure there are hoops to jump through, although I don't yet know what they will be. I may not be eligible but it won't hurt to check into it. So I called the Insurance company and yes I have coverage and yes WLS is a covered benefit of teh plan for people who met the criteria. The criteria is yet to be determined, which brings me to the seminar.

* Attend a seminar about WLS. Our local hospital is "A center of excellence" in the area of WLS. 2 Drs at the hospital have received this certification. Part of their WLS program is that you must first attend a seminar to get information and also to do initial screenings of possible WLS candidates. So I called to get enrolled in one of the seminars. I was then informed that my Primary Care Physician (PCP) would have to refer me to the seminar. OK. another step.

* Get a PCP. I have not had health Insurance since March of 2005 so therefore no PCP. Thankfully Tim has a PCP who has some slots open for new patients. I was able to make an appointment for this week to establish myself as a patient with Dr. W and he will become my PCP. I will ask for the referral at that point.

So to recap. I have health Insurance now. (YAY!!!) I have a plan for how to pay for the surgery. I have a PCP. I hope to get a referral for the seminar. I am enrolled in the seminar.

Step 1 complete!

1 comment:

  1. Jen, I think what you're doing is wonderful! You have courage that I don't think I could ever possess! You are cursed not just with one metabolic disorder, but with two! The courage it takes to stand up to them both & take charge of your life is AMAZING! Truly amazing!
    I am also on a weight loss journey - I have started the HcG diet a few days ago & I am not craving too much & am for the most part not hungry. So, we'll see how well this plan treats me & I treat it!
    This is truly wonderful!
