Here is the train wreck on my left hip! That drain should not be collecting so much blood.
Here is am sitting waiting for Dr. Buchanan to take off the tape and gauze. I want to see my new belly button.... or do I?
He starts by removing all the saran wrap from my drain and then removes the steri strips on my incision. This is the first time I am getting a good look at my incision. I look a little bit like Frankenstein in some areas!
The red open sore areas on my incision are were the scabs came loose when he pulled the steri-strip off.
In this picture you can see the stitches that are sticking out of my skin above my finger in the bottom left corner of picture.
Close up of the drain tube going into my skin.
My New (but still disgusting) Belly Button
My skin does not like adhesives. Do you see the red box around my belly button? And the red blotch is from the blood blister from last week when he pulled off the adhesives. I'm a train wreck!
Dr. Buchanan told me that my belly button insides would "slough off" over the next few days. he told me to wash it with soap and water and make sure it stays dry. I am also supposed to put Polysporin ointment inside it and cover with a bandaid. I can also use the polysproin ointment on the scabbed over areas of my incision.
Then I got a big lecture from the nurses and Dr. Buchanan about resting. They told me horror stories about having to drain fluid off patients bellies with big needles. Dr. B is taking the drain out next week, no matter what because of increased risk of infection if he leaves it in. He also wants me to slowly wean myself off percocet and muscle relaxers so that I can more clearly listen to my body and not overdo. I can still take them to sleep, but not during the day. We made a new appointment for the following week and I went home..... to rest. And rest some more..... and ten some more.... This is the most difficult part of my recovery..... Doing nothing. Sigh
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